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5 Ways of Using Feng Shui Coins For Good Luck and Abundance

by iching 24 May 2024 0 Comments

Do you believe in luck? For countless individuals, the answer is a resounding yes, and among the tools they employ are ancient Chinese coins, believed to usher in good fortune.

These feng shui coins boast a rich history and carry profound symbolism.

Join us as we delve into the significance of Chinese good luck coins and explore why having one might be beneficial for you!

Feng Shui Chinese Coins

An Instrument for Wealth and Positive Fortune

Feng Shui Chinese coins are revered not just as decorative objects but as potent tools for fostering prosperity and good fortune. Traditionally circular with a square hole at the center, these coins symbolize the harmonious union of heaven and earth. According to Feng Shui principles, strategically positioning these coins can invite wealth and safeguard against misfortune. Their significance in promoting financial security and achievement establishes them as essential in Feng Shui practices, embodying the aspirations of individuals striving for abundance in their lives.

Feng Shui Chinese Coins Meaning

Historical Significance

Replicas of ancient Chinese coins used in Feng Shui carry profound historical significance. Coins such as the five, six, or nine emperor coins were employed across various dynasties, symbolizing the nation's strength and prosperity. Originally crafted from brass or copper, these coins played crucial roles in ancient trade and commerce. In Feng Shui practices, these coins are integrated as potent amulets, leveraging their historical value to attract wealth and good fortune. They are prominently featured in Feng Shui wealth vases and other related items.

Symbolism in Chinese Culture

In Chinese culture, Feng Shui coins transcend their monetary worth to embody luck, abundance, and protection. The circular shape of the coin represents heaven, while the square hole signifies earth, reflecting the Chinese philosophical concept of 'heaven and earth'. When tied together with a red string, these coins are activated, as red is a color associated with auspiciousness, symbolizing joy and good fortune. Incorporating these coins into Feng Shui practices, such as placing them under the bed or at the front door, is believed to invite wealth, prosperity, and harmonious positive energy flow.

Where to Place Feng Shui Coins to Enhance Your Luck

Understanding the purpose behind using Chinese coins is crucial. Once you've clarified your intention, you can strategically place them in specific areas of your home to achieve your desired outcomes.

1. Activate the Wealth Corner of Your House

For instance, to activate the wealth corner of your house, you can position auspicious Feng Shui symbols like Pixiu, a money frog, or Chinese coins in the money area. According to traditional guidelines, this area is typically the far left or right corner from the main entrance. Alternatively, using the Bagua Map, you'll find the wealth area located in the southeast.

2. Front Door or Main Entrance to Attract Good Energy

The front door serves as a significant gateway for energy to enter your home, making it pivotal in establishing good Feng Shui. Placing Chinese coins tied with red string above the door, symbolizes attracting wealth and abundance into your life.

3. Mitigate Exterior Feng Shui Challenges

In addressing external Feng Shui challenges, such as "poison arrows" caused by nearby structures or sharp edges like air conditioner fan blades, practitioners often recommend placing six coins near doors or windows. This practice helps to neutralize negative energy and maintain harmony within the living environment.

4. Bring this Lucky Charm In Your Wallet or Bag

Carrying a potent wealth amulet—such as a set of three coins—in your wallet or bag can attract financial opportunities and provide protection. Ensure your wallet or bag is in good condition to effectively welcome positive energy. Alternatively, nine Chinese coins can also be placed inside your bag for added auspicious influence.

5. Place in Office for Protection

To safeguard your workspace from potential conflicts or negative energy, consider placing Feng Shui Chinese coins inside a drawer. This practice can help ward off ill intentions and promote a harmonious environment conducive to productivity.

Enhancing Feng Shui Coin Influence through Symbolic Pairings

Feng Shui embraces a holistic approach, enhancing the impact of Chinese coins by combining them with other symbolic elements. Here’s how different pairings can amplify their effects:

With the Money Frog

The money frog, also known as the three-legged toad or money toad, stands as a powerful symbol of wealth in Feng Shui. When adorned with a Chinese coin in its mouth, it becomes exceptionally auspicious. Placing the frog facing inward towards your living room or office signifies incoming wealth, while the coin amplifies its ability to attract money.

With the Laughing Buddha

The Laughing Buddha, often depicted with gold ingots or seated atop a pile of coins, symbolizes both wealth and happiness. Enhance this symbolism by placing Chinese coins under or around the statue to reinforce prosperity energies in your space.

With the Wealth Vase

A Feng Shui wealth vase serves as a potent magnet for wealth, typically filled with items that attract prosperity, including Chinese coins. Incorporating these coins into a wealth vase signifies abundance of financial resources, particularly effective for activating auspicious energies like the wealth star #8 in Flying Star Feng Shui.

With Bamboo

Bamboo, especially Lucky Bamboo, is associated with fortune and prosperity in Feng Shui. Boost its auspicious qualities by hanging Chinese coins near your bamboo plant or securing them around its pot, thereby attracting greater prosperity energy into your surroundings.

Remember, when combining Chinese coins with other symbols, do so with thoughtful intent and understanding of their symbolism.

The deeper your respect and comprehension of these elements, the more potent their combined effect will be.

Which Feng Shui Coin Should You Get

The best Chinese good luck coin is crafted from bronze or copper and bears the hallmarks of antiquity, featuring Chinese characters on one side and a central square hole.

Nevertheless, sourcing authentic ancient Chinese coins can be challenging and costly. If obtaining an antique proves difficult, there's no need for concern!

Any Chinese coin composed of bronze or copper will suffice.

Moreover, it's advisable to select an odd quantity of Chinese coins. In Chinese tradition, odd numbers are deemed auspicious. It's customary to encounter Chinese coins arranged in sets of three, five, or seven.

How to Cleanse Feng Shui Chinese Coins

Feng shui charms, particularly antique ones, possess considerable energy and may accumulate negative energy from their environment over time.

Regular cleansing of your Chinese coins is therefore crucial.

One effective method for cleansing Chinese coins involves using sage.

To cleanse your Chinese coins with sage, light a sage stick and pass the Chinese coins through the smoke.

Allow the Chinese coins to be enveloped by the sage smoke for several minutes before reintroducing them to your home or office, or wearing them.


1. Where to place Feng Shui Chinese Coins for good luck?

Feng Shui Chinese coins can be strategically placed in various locations to invite good luck. You can keep them in your wallet or purse, place them on your office desk, attach them to financial documents, or hang them in the wealth sector of your house, typically found in the southeast corner according to the Bagua map.

2. Can i wear Chinese Coins as jewelry for luck?

Yes, wearing Chinese coins as jewelry is a common practice believed to attract wealth luck to the wearer. Many people wear necklaces with Chinese coin pendants for this purpose.

3. How many Chinese Coins should i use in Feng Shui?

In Feng Shui practice, it is often recommended to use three, six, or nine Chinese coins as these numbers are considered auspicious. However, the exact number of coins used can vary depending on the specific intention or area of life you aim to enhance.

4. Can Feng Shui Coins enhance my business?

Absolutely. Placing coins in your business environment or cash register is thought to attract financial growth and enhance stability.

5. Do Feng Shui Coins provide protection as well?

Yes, Feng Shui coins are believed to offer protection by repelling negative energies and shielding against harmful influences.

6. How can i maintain the effectiveness of my Feng Shui coins?

To maintain the potency of your Feng Shui coins, it's advisable to regularly cleanse them. This practice helps clear away accumulated energy and ensures their continued effectiveness.

Wrapping Up

Now that you're familiar with the benefits of Chinese coins for good luck, it's the perfect opportunity to acquire one for yourself! These auspicious coins have the potential to draw wealth and prosperity into your life, while also serving as a wonderful addition to your feng shui decorations.

Explore our best-selling Chinese coins today!

Chinese Lucky Coins Bracelet

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