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What is Reiki Meditation & How to Practice it for Inner Healing

by iching 01 Jul 2024 0 Comments

Reiki meditation combines the principles of meditation and Reiki to foster harmony and inner peace. Practitioners of this method cultivate positive energy and a hopeful mindset.

Rooted in the belief of a universal life force that flows through all living beings, Reiki meditation seamlessly integrates the principles of energy healing with the serenity of meditation. In today's tumultuous world, where external turmoil and internal unrest abound, Reiki meditation stands not just as a remedy for the weary soul but as a profound journey into the interconnectedness of all life.

In this article, we will elucidate the essence of Reiki meditation, its techniques, the benefits it offers, and how to use it for inner healing.

Understanding the Basics of Reiki

Before exploring the benefits of Reiki meditation, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of Reiki itself. Originating in Japan in the early 20th century, Reiki is an energy healing practice. The term "Reiki" is derived from "rei", meaning universal, and "ki" , referring to life force energy. Practitioners harness this universal life force energy to facilitate healing and foster balance in the recipient.

Beyond mere technique, Reiki embodies a holistic approach to healing, addressing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It operates on the premise that our energy fields profoundly influence our well-being. By harmonizing the flow of energy within and around us, Reiki endeavors to restore vitality and promote overall harmony.

Origins and Principles of Reiki

Reiki was pioneered by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk who sought to address not only physical ailments but also emotional and spiritual imbalances. Usui embarked on a journey of personal enlightenment and a quest to comprehend the essence of healing. After years devoted to studying ancient texts and engaging in spiritual practices, Usui underwent a transformative experience on Mount Kurama, where he received the gift of Reiki.

The Five Reiki Principles, articulated by Usui, serve as a foundational philosophy for Reiki practitioners. These principles underscore the significance of living in the present moment, fostering gratitude, and approaching oneself and others with kindness and compassion. They are not mere affirmations but a way of life that encourages individual growth and spiritual evolution.

What is Reiki Meditation?

Reiki embodies the universal energy that pervades everything in the universe. It flows through every living being, including yourself. Reiki meditation involves concentrating your awareness on this energy that surrounds and permeates you.

During this practice, you purposefully attune yourself to, connect with, and influence the flow of Reiki energy. This intentional engagement can foster peace, healing, and revitalization within your body, mind, and spirit.

How Does Reiki Meditation Work?

Reiki meditation is founded on the principle of universal life energy, an invisible force believed to course through every living being. According to this belief, the harmonious circulation of this energy within an individual influences their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

In the practice of reiki meditation, practitioners, often referred to as Reiki healers, are trained to access and direct this energy. This process typically involves laying hands lightly on or just above the recipient's body. The healer channels the energy through their hands to the recipient, aiming to promote healing and restore equilibrium.

The system also identifies specific energy centers, akin to the chakras in Indian traditions, which play a crucial role in maintaining energy flow and overall health. In addition to these centers, there are energy pathways similar to the meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is believed that disruptions or blockages in these centers or pathways can lead to ailments or imbalances. Through Reiki meditation, the objective is to clear these blockages, thereby facilitating a smooth and balanced flow of energy.

Reiki Meditation Benefits

Holistic Reiki meditation blends the transformative influences of meditation and Reiki energy. Let's delve into these advantages in detail:

1. Reduce Stress

By triggering the body's natural relaxation response, Reiki meditation counteracts the detrimental effects of stress hormones. Studies suggest that regular practice can also alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression.

2. Emotional Healing

Trauma can create low vibrations and obstruct energy flow. Reiki meditation elevates your vibration and releases these obstructions, allowing unresolved emotions to surface and heal.

3. Enhance Self-Awareness

This practice heightens awareness of physical sensations, emotions, and thought patterns. It empowers you to make better decisions and navigate challenges with clarity.

4. Energy Balancing

Reiki master Brett Bevell describes it as an "attunement." Through the fusion of Reiki energy and meditation, all chakras are harmonized, promoting the flow of life force energy throughout the body.

5. Spiritual Growth

Reiki meditation facilitates access to inner wisdom and exploration of your energetic essence and connection with the universe. It enriches your human experience and deepens spiritual connections.

6. Physical Healing

The relaxation response induced by Reiki meditation stimulates the body's innate healing mechanisms. It has been beneficial in managing chronic pain and expediting recovery processes.

7. Improve Sleep

As a mind-body therapy, meditation calms the mind and body, thereby enhancing sleep quality. Meta-analyses indicate that practicing Reiki meditation may alleviate insomnia.

8. Self Nurturing

Regular practice demonstrates a commitment to self-care, fostering inner peace and revitalization. It nurtures self-love, enhances self-esteem, and promotes balance in daily life.

In summary, Reiki meditation offers multifaceted benefits that encompass emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being, making it a valuable practice for holistic health.

Reiki Meditation Techniques

Reiki meditation techniques encompass a variety of practices aimed at channeling life force energy for healing and relaxation. These techniques support physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through different methods:

1. Reiki Zen Meditation

Reiki Zen meditation integrates Zen principles with a focus on intention and Reiki energy within the body.

Here’s how to practice it:

  • Find a quiet, undisturbed place and get comfortable sitting or lying down.
  • Relax your body and let your thoughts flow naturally.
  • Inhale through your nose, allowing your stomach to expand, and exhale through your mouth, letting your stomach sink back down.
  • After several breaths, shift your focus inward to feel the energy flowing through your body.
  • Visualize this energy moving smoothly from head to toe, and simply observe its flow.

2. Cleansing Technique

  • This technique expels negative and non-beneficial energy from the body, either as a standalone practice or integrated into Reiki Zen meditation.
  • Begin in a comfortable, quiet position.
  • Relax deeply and take a slow, deliberate breath in, imagining positivity entering your body.
  • Exhale slowly, envisioning negativity and stress leaving your body with each breath.
  • Repeat this process, observing without judgment.

3. Center Finger Technique

Taught by Mikao Usui, this technique enhances focus during meditation.

  • Press each finger together so that they are aligned (middle finger to middle finger, index to index, etc.).
  • Concentrate your energy on the middle fingers throughout your meditation.
  • If your focus wanders, gently press the fingers together to recenter your attention.

4. Reiki Meditation Symbols

Reiki symbols serve specific purposes and can be used to deepen meditation:

Choose a symbol based on your intention:

  • Cho Ku Rei(Power symbol) for healing acceleration and protection.
  • Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen (Distance symbol) for distant healing and spiritual connection.
  • Dai Ko Myo(Master symbol) for unity, soul healing, and enhancing Reiki power.
  • Raku(Completion symbol) for Kundalini awakening and chakra alignment.
  • Sei Hei Ki (Harmony symbol) for emotional balance and addiction recovery.
  • Visualize the chosen symbol and its associated power during meditation.

5. Chakra Focus Reiki Meditation

This practice aligns with the seven chakras to balance and harmonize energy centers:

  • Start with the lowest chakra and focus your attention on it, visualizing and feeling its energy.
  • Maintain focus until you sense the chakra is activated.
  • Progress sequentially through each chakra, applying focused intention and visualization to each.

These Reiki meditation techniques offer diverse approaches to harnessing life force energy for healing, relaxation, and spiritual growth. Incorporate them into your practice to enhance overall well-being and inner balance.

How to Practice Reiki Meditation?

Reiki meditation is fundamentally a practice that blends mindfulness with energy healing. Like any spiritual endeavor, it begins with setting clear intentions, which studies indicate can profoundly influence behavior and goal achievement. Here are practical steps to consciously engage in Reiki meditation:

1. Create a Sacred Space

Choose a serene and quiet environment free from distractions. Arrange it with elements that evoke tranquility, such as candles, crystals, or soothing music. Establish this space as a dedicated sanctuary for your meditation practice.

2. Find a Comfortable Position

Select a position that allows you to remain still and relaxed throughout the session. This could be sitting on a cushion or chair with your spine straight, or lying down if that enhances your relaxation.

3. Connect with Your Breath

Begin by taking several deep breaths to center yourself. Focus on the sensation of each breath entering and leaving your body. Let your breathing become slow, steady, and natural, which helps to quiet the mind and anchor your awareness in the present moment.

4. Activate Reiki Energy

Place your hands gently on your body, allowing the flow of Reiki energy to begin. You can rest your palms on your lap or position them over areas where you feel drawn to offer healing. Trust your intuition as you allow the energy to guide you.

5. Practice Mindfulness

Shift your attention to observe your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations without attaching judgment. Let them arise and dissipate naturally. Stay fully present, noticing the sensations in your body and the energy flowing through your hands.

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6. Visualize Healing Energy

During Reiki meditation, visualize healing energy flowing through your entire being. Picture a warm, radiant light or a stream of vibrant energy entering through the crown of your head and circulating throughout your body. Visualize this energy bringing harmony and healing to your mind, body, and spirit.

7. Express Gratitude

As you conclude your session, take a moment to express gratitude for the healing and insights received. Reflect on the positive impact of your practice on your well-being. Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the journey of self-discovery and healing that Reiki meditation facilitates.

Remember, Reiki meditation is a personal journey. Listen to your intuition and adapt the practice to suit your individual needs. Begin with shorter sessions and gradually extend the duration as you become more comfortable. Consistency is key, so establish a regular practice that resonates with you and supports your holistic well-being.

Aligning Your Body with Universal Energy through Meditation

Meditation fosters deep relaxation, initiating the body's efficient healing process, beginning with the mind. As relaxation permeates the energetic body, it promotes healing at this level, addressing potential physical implications. Ultimately, meditation aims to cultivate awareness of the inherent unity within oneself—an aspiration toward holistic perfection across all dimensions.


1. What is reiki meditation for self-healing?

Reiki meditation for self-healing combines the healing power of reiki with meditation techniques to enhance overall health and well-being. It involves channeling universal life force energy to restore balance and harmony within the mind, body, and spirit.

2. How can reiki meditation unlock my inner power?

Reiki meditation taps into the universal life force energy to facilitate healing and alignment of the mind, body, and spirit, thereby unlocking your inner power. It fosters a deeper connection with your inner self, enriching intuition, clarity, and personal empowerment.

3. What are some beginner reiki meditation techniques?

If you're new to reiki meditation, you can begin with straightforward techniques such as focusing on your breath, visualizing healing energy flowing through your body, or using hand positions to channel energy. These foundational techniques establish a solid framework for your reiki meditation practice.

4. What are some at-home reiki meditation exercises I can try?

There are several reiki meditation exercises you can practice at home, such as self-healing hand positions, energy scanning and clearing, and distant healing visualization. These exercises are simple to integrate into your self-care routine and can be performed comfortably in your own space.

5. How can reiki healing meditation help with anxiety?

Reiki healing meditation aids in anxiety relief by inducing relaxation, alleviating stress, and calming the mind. Techniques like deep breathing, self-healing hand positions, and visualization contribute to reducing anxiety symptoms and fostering a sense of inner peace and stability.

6. What reiki meditation techniques can support physical healing?

Reiki meditation techniques that promote physical healing include utilizing self-healing hand positions, directing energy to specific body areas, and visualizing optimal health. These practices support the body's innate healing mechanisms, fostering overall well-being and recovery.

Wrapping Up

In summary, reiki meditation serves as a potent pathway to self-healing and personal growth. Through consistent practice, you can unlock your inner potential and attain holistic health and well-being. Integrating reiki meditation techniques into your daily regimen nurtures your mind, body, and soul, facilitating a profound connection with yourself.

Begin with the foundational aspects of reiki meditation, incorporating straightforward techniques that are easy to follow. As you advance, explore guided reiki meditations tailored for healing, emotional balance, and self-care with reiki energy. Committing to a daily routine of reiki self-healing enables you to deepen your inner connection over time.

Whether you seek relief from stress, anxiety, physical ailments, spiritual development, or an overall enhancement of well-being, reiki meditation offers transformative benefits. Embrace your reiki meditation journey today and embark on a path to discover the empowering potential of self-healing.

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