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The Best Crystals For Your Bedroom In Feng Shui

by iching 17 Jun 2024 0 Comments

Introducing crystals into your bedroom can establish a serene sanctuary where you can unwind and relax at the end of the day.

Crystals are renowned for their ability to quiet the mind, promote deeper sleep, and even invite more love and romance into your life.

However, since the bedroom is intended for rest and romance, it's important to select crystals carefully, as not all types are suitable for this intimate space.

In accordance with feng shui principles, it's advised to avoid items in your bedroom that possess high fire or activating energies.

Electronics, exercise equipment, and crystals with intense energy should be kept out of the bedroom to maintain a peaceful environment conducive to sleep, relaxation, and harmonious relationships.

Let's explore the optimal crystals for your bedroom and identify those best suited for placement outside the sleeping area to ensure a restful night's sleep!

Top Crystals for the Bedroom:

Opt for crystals in your bedroom that aid in:

1. Alleviating insomnia

2. Promoting deep, restorative sleep

3. Enhancing dream recall and lucidity

4. Calming the body and mind

5. Easing stress and tension

6. Fostering love and intimacy (especially pink crystals)

7. Strengthening spiritual connections

8. Boosting kundalini energy

9. Cultivating self-love

10. Providing grounding and protective energy

11. Supporting the upper chakras or heart chakra

While this list highlights some of the most common crystals suitable for your bedroom, it is not exhaustive. There are many other crystals that can also be kept in the bedroom.

Generally, crystals associated with love and romance, the heart chakra, the crown chakra, and the third eye chakra are the safest choices for the bedroom.

You can also consider using crystals for grounding and protection, but keep in mind that some may be too potent and could disrupt sleep. It's a good idea to test them first.


Amethyst is an excellent crystal for the bedroom because it helps quiet the mind and promotes more restful sleep.

Placing a piece of amethyst near your bed, on your nightstand, or even under your pillow can help relax both your body and mind.

It aids in melting away the stress of the day, bringing a sense of serenity and calm.

Amethyst is particularly beneficial if you are feeling anxious or going through a challenging period.

Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz is a grounding and protective stone that helps you feel more rooted and cleanses negative energy.

It can create an energetic shield around your bedroom, allowing you to leave your worries at the door and focus on resting.

This stone is also excellent for calming negative thoughts, thereby improving your sleep quality.

If you often experience restless energy at night, smoky quartz can provide the tranquility you need.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is renowned for its love energy, fostering a positive atmosphere in your bedroom for both rest and romance.

It alleviates stress, replacing it with compassion for yourself and others.

Additionally, rose quartz helps unblock the heart chakra, allowing you to give and receive love more freely.

Rose quartz, known as the stone of unconditional love, serves as a powerful aid in nurturing your relationship with both yourself and others. Placing rose quartz in your bedroom can facilitate healing on emotional levels.

Traditionally associated with romance and intimacy, the presence of rose quartz in your bedroom can attract new romantic connections or deepen the bond with your current partner.

Consider placing rose quartz near your bed, under your pillow, or in the feng shui designated area for love and relationships within your bedroom to enhance the loving energy and foster a harmonious atmosphere.

Related post: The Full Guide To Rose Quartz Crystal

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a powerful protective stone that not only dispels negative energy but also helps soothe an overactive mind.

By alleviating negative thoughts, it can significantly improve the quality of your sleep.

This stone is also effective in neutralizing harmful electromagnetic frequencies from electronic devices, which is particularly beneficial in creating a more restful environment in your bedroom.

If you experience nightmares, insomnia, or need assistance with relaxation and stress reduction, keeping a piece of black tourmaline near your bed can be immensely helpful.

For enhanced relaxation and deeper sleep, you can even place it under your pillow.

Black Obsidian

Black obsidian is a potent stone known for its deep energy cleansing properties and strong connection to the root chakra.

It helps ground and center your energy, effectively dissolving the frustration and stress accumulated throughout the day.

If you are a light sleeper, black obsidian can promote deep sleep by alleviating tension and anxiety in both your body and mind.

However, black obsidian is an intense crystal, and its strong frequencies might be too stimulating for some people, potentially disrupting sleep.

If you find black obsidian too powerful, black tourmaline could be a gentler alternative. Alternatively, you can place black obsidian further away from your bed to minimize any potential disturbances.


Garnet is a stone of regeneration, known for cleansing and reenergizing your chakras.

It is believed to inspire love and devotion, while calming emotional turmoil and restoring balance.

Additionally, garnet aids in manifesting your heart's desires and aligning you with your true purpose.

Garnet activates kundalini energy, enhancing libido and passion with a gentler touch compared to red jasper or ruby, making it ideal for the bedroom.

Placing garnet near your bed can protect against nightmares and help release negative karma.

Best Crystals for Sleep

For a restful night's sleep, the top crystals to consider from the list above are howlite, amethyst, celestite, turquoise, selenite, and rose quartz.

All of these crystals are effective for stress reduction, promoting tranquility, and facilitating peaceful sleep.

While howlite is renowned for its ability to alleviate insomnia, the other crystals also contribute by soothing both body and mind, helping you to fall asleep easily and enjoy uninterrupted rest.

Avoid placing certain crystals in your bedroom as they can be overly stimulating, leading to a restless mind and disrupted sleep. If you are sensitive to crystal energies, some types may induce insomnia or result in vivid dreams.

To ensure a restful sleep environment, it's advisable to relocate these crystals to other areas of your home where they won't affect your sleep. Here are the crystals that should not be kept in your bedroom:

  • Sulfur
  • Citrine
  • Carnelian
  • Red Jasper
  • Moldavite

Generally, any crystal that energizes or activates should be avoided in the bedroom, as their potency can be too intense for promoting relaxation and restful sleep.

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