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What Is Wu Lou & How to Use It For Good Health

by iching 21 Jun 2024 0 Comments

The Wu Lou, a sacred gourd steeped in centuries of feng shui tradition, holds a revered status as one of the most potent symbols for promoting good health. Found prominently in homes and businesses across Asia, this symbol is highly esteemed for its protective qualities.

In contemporary feng shui practices, you'll also see the Wu Lou incorporated into jewelry like bracelets, pendants, or earrings, reflecting its enduring significance and widespread appeal as a symbol of well-being.

Explore further to uncover the deeper meaning behind the Wu Lou in feng shui amulets.

What is Wu Lou in Feng Shui?

The Wu Lou symbolizes prosperity, good health, longevity, and wealth in Feng Shui. It is often depicted alongside other auspicious symbols in Feng Shui products. For instance, a dragon turtle carrying a Wu Lou signifies bringing good fortune to its owner. Therefore, understanding the meaning and proper placement guidelines of the Wu Lou is advisable before incorporating it into your home decor.

What Does Wu Lou Mean?

The Wu Lou symbolizes good health, longevity, and prosperity in Chinese culture.

Also referred to as the "gourd of longevity," the Wu Lou has been utilized in feng shui practices to ward off negative energies that may lead to illness and misfortune.

This gourd-shaped talisman is believed to hold the elixir of life, a legendary remedy often associated with images of the Chinese deity of longevity, Sau.

As one of the eight treasures of feng shui, the Wu Lou is also thought to attract auspicious luck and fortune.

The Benefits of Wu Lou

The Wu Lou, a feng shui amulet, is believed to serve several beneficial purposes:

1. Warding off illness and death

In feng shui practice, the sacred gourd is used as a remedy for Flying Star, also known as the Illness Star.

This star is believed to bring about diseases, ailments, and premature death. Hanging a Wu Lou in your home is thought to safeguard against these negative energies.

2. Enhancing health and well-being

When placed near the bed, particularly on the headboard, the Wu Lou is said to expedite the recovery process for those who are ill. It is also considered beneficial for individuals prone to sickness or with a weak constitution.

3. Preventing accidents and misfortune

As a countermeasure for Flying Star #5, the Wu Lou is believed to provide protection against accidents, misfortunes, and conflicts. Its presence in the home is believed to create a tranquil and secure environment.

4. Attracting good luck and prosperity

Known as the "fortune-bringing gourd," the shape of the Wu Lou is associated with attracting wealth and abundance. The narrow top is believed to draw in prosperity, while the rounded bottom retains it. This symbolic representation of heaven (top) and earth (bottom) is thought to enhance overall fortune.

5. Warding off negative intentions

The Wu Lou is also considered a potent feng shui tool against malevolent spirits and negative influences. Its ability to absorb negative energies, especially when crafted from metal, is believed to safeguard against ill intentions and harmful energies.

How to Use Wu Lou?

Here are practical ways to utilize the powerful feng shui amulet, the Wu Lou:

  • Hang a Wu Lou in your home or office to foster positive energy and ward off negative influences.
  • Wear a Wu Lou bracelet or pendant to attract good luck and fortune into your life.
  • Gift a Wu Lou to someone who is ill or facing challenges as a gesture of support and healing.
  • Place a Wu Lou in your car to promote safety, prevent accidents, and maintain positive energy while driving.

Where to Place Wu Lou?

Unlike the fixed principles of the Xuan Kong Flying Stars system, adherents of other Feng Shui traditions opt to intuitively position the Wu Lou amulet each year.

1. In accordance with popular Chinese traditions, practitioners place the Wu Lou near a sick person's bed to aid in recovery.

2. Additionally, it can be carried as a personal amulet in wallets or worn as a pendant, with smaller versions available, or kept inside vehicles. Positioning the Wu Lou in the West or Northwest areas of a home is believed to attract overall well-being.

3. Another approach involves placing a Wu Lou near the front door, preferably with its lid open. According to ancient legend, this container acts as a trap for demons and negative entities attempting to enter the household.

Things to Avoid When Wearing a Wu Lou Bracelet

Here are some guidelines for wearing a Wu Lou bracelet:

1. Avoid wearing it while sleeping. Keep it in a clean box beside you when you sleep.

2. Do not bring it into the bathroom or wear it during showers.

3. Only allow yourself to touch it. If someone else touches it by mistake, clean it with clean water.

4. Lastly, respect and believe in its significance when wearing the Wu Lou bracelet.

Wrapping Up

The Wu Lou holds immense power as a versatile feng shui amulet, offering benefits like health improvement, luck attraction, and protection from negativity. Don't hesitate—embrace the Wu Lou's potential in your life today!

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