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How to Attract Wealth With Feng Shui Black Obsidian Bracelet

by iching 06 Jun 2024 0 Comments

Humans have adorned themselves with bracelets for thousands of years, with the oldest discovered bracelet, made from chloritolite stone, dating back 40,000 years. Today, stone and crystal bracelets are highly popular for both fashion and functional purposes. One notable type is the feng shui black obsidian bracelet, which is believed to attract wealth, prosperity, and success.

How Can a Bracelet Attract Wealth?

The bracelet's power comes from two main aspects. First, it incorporates the principles of feng shui.

What Is Feng Shui?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese practice that focuses on creating balance in our environment to enhance the flow of energy. The term "feng shui" translates to "wind" and "water," symbolizing harmony. By applying feng shui principles to our living spaces, we align with our surroundings, leading to improved life outcomes. Feng shui is intertwined with the concept of the Tao, meaning "the way." It considers five elements and eight life areas (baguas): Wealth, Reputation, Partnership, Family, Children, Knowledge, Career, and Helpful People.

To harness the benefits of feng shui, one typically focuses on improving specific areas of life. For example, to boost the wealth bagua, balanced energy must be introduced into that area. A feng shui black obsidian bracelet helps achieve this balance.

What Is Black Obsidian?

Black obsidian is volcanic glass formed from rapidly cooled lava, containing the combined energies of earth, water, and fire. Historically used for tools and by shamans for its potent energy-altering properties, black obsidian is now crafted into various forms, including bracelets.

Related Post: A Full Guide To Obsidian: Meaning,Properties & Benefits

Benefits of a Feng Shui Black Obsidian Bracelet

EMF Protection

Black obsidian protects against electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by electronic devices. It generates orgone energy, a clean form of energy, mitigating the harmful effects of EMFs on the body’s electromagnetic fields.

Cleansing and Protection

The bracelet emits a vibrational frequency that shields from negative energies, including harmful EMFs and hostile or negative emotions from others.

Stress Reduction

By balancing your energy, the bracelet reduces stress, leading to fewer conflicts and greater emotional control. This inner calm promotes better health, as stress is a major contributor to various diseases.

Physic Protection

Black obsidian protects against energy "smog" from past traumas and negative experiences, gradually cleansing accumulated energetic gunk and reinforcing your root energy center.

Health Benefits

The bracelet aids digestion, supports the gallbladder and heart, lowers blood pressure, and strengthens muscle tissue. It may also help combat pathogens and intuitively identify sources of pain or discomfort.

Improved Relationships

Clearing your energy field makes you more attractive to others, enhancing your love life and relationships. It helps you discern compatible partners and fosters positive changes in your social interactions.

Increased Wealth

The bracelet’s primary appeal is its ability to attract prosperity by shifting your energy from bad luck to good fortune, helping you achieve financial success.

Using a Black Obsidian Bracelet for Feng Shui

Black Obsidian Bracelet


In feng shui, black obsidian is particularly effective for the northern bagua area, which governs career and success. Its water element is crucial for this area’s energy strength.

Feng Shui Black Obsidian Wealth Bracelet Special Features

A feng shui black obsidian wealth bracelet combines three powerful elements: black obsidian spheres, a Pixiu charm, and a Tibetan mantra.

Black Obsidian

As discussed, black obsidian's potent energy aids in shifting your fortune from bad luck to good fortune.


Pixiu, a mythical creature in Chinese legends, is believed to consume worldly riches and bring them to its owner. Having a Pixiu charm on your bracelet symbolizes this transfer of wealth.

Tibetan Mantra

The bracelet features the mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum," one of the most sacred in Tibetan Buddhism. This mantra enhances the bracelet’s effects by continuously emitting positive vibrations into your life.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, a feng shui black obsidian bracelet is a powerful tool for attracting wealth, protecting from negative energies, and promoting overall well-being. With its rich history and potent combination of elements, it stands out as a must-have accessory for those seeking balance and prosperity.

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