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White Moonstone Meaning, Benefits & Properties

by iching 02 Jul 2024 0 Comments

White Moonstone is a remarkable gem renowned for its myriad healing properties. Across diverse cultures and through the ages, it has been a cornerstone of crystal therapy.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the meaning, characteristics, and benefits of incorporating White Moonstone into your life. Discover why this gem deserves a place in your collection!

What is a White Moonstone?

White moonstone, a type of moonstone distinguished by its milky white or colorless appearance, is a member of the feldspar mineral group. Composed primarily of potassium aluminum silicate, it is also referred to as adularia moonstone.

White moonstone originates from the crystallization of molten minerals deep within the Earth's crust, commonly found in igneous rocks like granite and pegmatite. As these molten minerals cool and solidify, they form interconnected feldspar crystals, shaping the distinctive structure of moonstone.

Adularescence, a unique characteristic of moonstone, arises from specific minerals present and the internal arrangement of its crystal lattice. This phenomenon scatters light within the stone, resulting in a gentle, luminous glow. Typically translucent, white moonstone allows light to pass through, creating its enchanting shimmer when illuminated.

moonstone bracelet

White Moonstone Meaning

Throughout history, moonstone has served as a tangible link to the mystical powers of the moon. It has been revered as a protective charm for travelers, a token of affection from passionate lovers, a conduit for prophecy, and a gateway to enlightenment. Our connection to the moon is profound: its waxing and waning in perfect cycles govern the tides and rhythms of our Earthly mother, shaping our behaviors, emotions, and spiritual evolution. White moonstone, in particular, soothes and enlivens, imparting lessons in the natural ebb and flow of life's rhythms.

White moonstone holds profound meaning and magical significance as a cherished talisman. It is revered for its ability to attract good fortune, enhance intuition, and promote success in love and fertility. Let's explore its origins and versatile uses further.

This stone has long been associated with lunar deities due to its celestial connection. In Wiccan practices, white moonstone and silver jewelry are often used in rituals, particularly during moon phases that align with specific traditions. It is believed to provide heightened protection during the waxing moon and support during the waning phases.

In many Arab cultures, women seeking fertility wear or incorporate white moonstone into their attire, considering it a potent symbol of reproductive blessings. Additionally, white moonstone serves as the birthstone for those born in June.

Linked to the goddess Diana, white moonstone is recommended for rituals and offerings performed under the full moon. Its energies are also aligned with fostering passionate love, awakening intuitive abilities, achieving success in endeavors, enhancing fertility, and providing protective energies both on land and at sea.

White Moonstone Properties & Benefits

Physic Properties

White moonstone is primarily composed of feldspar, a group of minerals consisting of aluminum, potassium, sodium, and calcium silicates. It displays an opaque whitish coloration. Due to its relatively low hardness, white moonstone is susceptible to scratching, which affects its market value, often resulting in modest pricing. Its hardness also limits its ability to achieve a high polish finish.

Some white moonstones exhibit a captivating optical phenomenon known as adularescence, which is a hallmark characteristic of this mineral. This effect is created by fine layers or inclusions of feldspar within the stone, causing a distinctive shimmering glow. Adularescence becomes visible when light passes through the stone at certain angles, making cabochon cuts popular for showcasing this mesmerizing property.

Feldspar, the mineral that constitutes white moonstone, is abundantly found in the Earth's crust and is classified as potassium feldspar or orthoclase feldspar. However, these terms broadly refer to a group of minerals, with orthoclase being a specific type within this group.

Healing Properties

White moonstone is highly valued for its capacity to support spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical healing processes. As a healing gemstone, it boasts a range of properties that promote holistic well-being. Here's an exploration of its healing attributes across these domains:

Spiritual Healing

  • Boosts intuition: White moonstone is renowned for enhancing psychic abilities and intuition, facilitating a stronger connection to spiritual realms and inner wisdom.
  • Emotionally balancing: It stabilizes emotions, fostering harmony and a more serene spiritual journey.
  • Fosters spiritual evolution: White moonstone promotes personal growth and self-exploration, aiding in a deeper comprehension of oneself and the universe.

Emotional Healing

  • Soothes emotional turmoil: White moonstone is revered for its ability to calm emotional instability, offering balance and tranquility during periods of stress or anxiety.
  • Cultivates empathy and compassion: It encourages empathy and compassion towards oneself and others, nurturing emotional healing and deeper understanding.
  • Facilitates emotional release: White moonstone supports the expression and release of emotions, aiding in the resolution of emotional blockages and promoting emotional growth.

Mental Healing

  • Inspires creativity: White moonstone sparks creativity and stimulates the imagination, making it valuable for artists, writers, and anyone seeking innovative solutions.
  • Clears mental clutter: It quiets the mind and reduces mental distractions, enhancing mental clarity and focus.
  • Nurtures inner peace: The stone’s calming properties ease mental stress and tension, fostering a peaceful and serene state of mind.

How to Use White Moonstone?

We adore White Moonstone for its versatility in daily practices. Like many other healing stones, there's no strict rule on how to use it—simply trust your instincts and choose what resonates with you in the moment.

White Moonstone is widely cherished for its elegance in jewelry. Its radiant inner glow beautifully complements bracelets, necklaces, earrings, charms, and even delicate rings, allowing you to carry its healing energies close to your body.

If jewelry isn't your preference but you still want the stone nearby, consider keeping it in a backpack, purse, or pocket. Ensure it's protected by wrapping it in a pouch or soft cloth. Many people also place White Moonstone in their car's glove compartment for its protective and calming properties during travels.

In feng shui practices, White Moonstone is valued for its role in enhancing energy flow. Placing the stone in areas associated with "new beginnings" or "family" can maximize its beneficial effects within your living space.

How to Cleanse White Moonstone?

Cleaning and energetically refreshing moonstone is essential to maintain its natural brilliance and protective properties. While moonstone is generally resistant to chemicals, it's best cleaned with saltwater—simply soaking it once a month is sufficient to keep it pristine.

Energetic cleansing is also crucial since moonstone absorbs negative energies. Placing it in a container with sea salt for about two hours effectively clears these energies. Once cleansed, it's ready to be recharged.

Moonstone derives its power from the moon, so it's particularly effective to charge it under moonlight. After cleansing, leave it exposed overnight to the full moon's light to activate and recharge its energies.

Crystal Pairing

Here are some crystals commonly paired with white moonstone to enhance its energy and properties:

Clear Quartz

Known as the "master healer," Clear Quartz amplifies the energies of other stones. When paired with white moonstone, it enhances calming and soothing properties while boosting feminine energies.


A powerful crystal for spiritual growth and intuition, Amethyst deepens the connection to intuition and enhances dreamwork when combined with white moonstone. Both crystals share calming and protective energies.

Also read: Harnessing The Power Of Amethyst Crystals In Feng Shui


This stone of transformation enhances the magical and mystical aspects of white moonstone. It also boosts intuition and psychic abilities, making it ideal for meditation and spiritual practices alongside white moonstone.

Rose Quartz

Known for love and compassion, Rose Quartz brings gentle, nurturing energy to white moonstone. Together, they foster self-love, emotional healing, and a sense of peace and harmony.

Also read: 

Rose Quartz Crystal: Meaning,Properties And How To Use It


A high-vibrational crystal, Selenite elevates the spiritual and energetic properties of white moonstone. It cleanses and purifies their energies, promoting clarity, peace, and higher consciousness.

Remember, crystal pairings are personal choices guided by intuition. Experiment with different combinations to discover which resonate best with you and your intentions.

Chakra Association

White moonstone is often linked with the Crown Chakra, responsible for spiritual connection and enlightenment. It is believed to amplify intuition and psychic capabilities, enabling individuals to access their higher consciousness.

Additionally, white moonstone stimulates the Third Eye Chakra, which governs perception and insight. Opening these chakras can aid in gaining a profound understanding of oneself and fostering empathy towards others.

Moreover, white moonstone is associated with the Sacral Chakra, symbolizing feminine energy and creativity. This gemstone aids in emotional balance and enhances relationship harmony by dispelling negative emotional patterns.

White moonstone's capacity to harmonize multiple chakras makes it invaluable for chakra healing and enhancing overall energetic health.

Regularly cleansing and recharging your chakra stone is crucial to preserve its energy and efficacy. For more detailed information, you can explore our article on moonstone and chakras.

Zodiac Connection

While White Moonstone is beneficial for everyone seeking healing, it holds a special resonance with individuals born under the signs of Scorpio, Cancer, and Gemini. This gemstone is renowned for amplifying the positive qualities associated with these signs, such as creativity, vitality, and intuition. Moreover, White Moonstone helps to harmonize and mitigate less favorable character traits. People born under Scorpio, Cancer, and Gemini are particularly likely to benefit from White Moonstone's ability to cleanse negative emotions and thoughts, promoting emotional balance and clarity.

Wrapping Up

White Moonstone carries profound meanings and potent properties that offer numerous benefits. It is a stone we frequently utilize and recommend to others with confidence.

We trust this guide has been informative and encourages you to explore the potential of White Moonstone. Whether you are an experienced crystal healer or just beginning your journey, White Moonstone has something valuable to offer everyone!

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