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How To Select A Suitable Crystal

by iching 29 Apr 2024 0 Comments

Unsure about selecting the ideal gemstones and crystals for your personal needs? No problem! We've compiled our top tips to help you choose the perfect one that aligns perfectly with your requirements!

Finding the perfect gemstone can be challenging, and that's perfectly normal! With numerous factors to consider, it's essential to select a personal power gem that aligns with your present requirements. Remaining present in the moment is key when choosing a gemstone because what suited your energy five years ago may not be suitable for you now! How do you ensure you're keeping track of what resonates with you and what you're seeking in crystal energy? This article offers tips and tricks to aid you in your quest for the ideal mineral of the moment!

A Gemstone for Me, Myself and I: Crystals as Personal Instruments
Gems serve as instruments or tools, a revelation crystal therapy enthusiasts quickly realize. In this practice, each crystal and gemstone possesses unique qualities that can be harnessed to invoke similar powers within oneself. Practitioners liken this to Singing Bowl Healing, where one's energy resonates with the "instrument." For instance, if communication proves challenging, a communicative stone may help awaken this skill within you. Crystals don't solve problems; instead, they stimulate the appropriate energy and inspiration to tackle challenges independently. It's akin to receiving a bit of self-crystal coaching!
Not Every Stone Fits
Because gemstones have the power to awaken certain aspects within individuals, not every type of gemstone offers the suitable stimulation for everyone. Take Obsidian, for instance. This deep black, glossy stone holds a captivating allure, yet its profound depth may prove overwhelming for some. Obsidian is believed to reveal deep-seated unconscious emotions, which can understandably be uncomfortable for many individuals. However, for others, this process of uncovering unknown emotions can bring great relief and relaxation.

Numerous gem therapists and gemologists concur: when beginners ponder, "Which gemstone is right for me?" they should pause and reflect on the types of energy they are prepared to encounter. Often, individuals are naturally drawn to crystals that resonate with their current state of readiness. If you're at ease with exploring your innermost self, perhaps you'll find solace in Obsidian! However, remember that you can always set it aside and opt for another crystal if the experience feels overwhelming or uncomfortable. You might revisit it later when you're at a different point in your spiritual and life journey.

How to Choose the Ideal Crystal for You

When you grasp that gemstones serve as tools to foster personal growth, you begin to pose a significant question to yourself: "Which crystals align with my current needs?" Where do I seek insight, inspiration, or change in my life? What gemstone resonates best with my present state, and how might it guide my journey? By contemplating these questions through meditation or mindful reflection, you'll likely be led to the ideal gemstone for you.

Five Spiritual Methods to Discover Your Ideal Gemstone

At times, it's challenging to discern or sense precisely what you require. Many individuals experience phases of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, overstimulated, or simply adrift. During these periods, it can be somewhat challenging, or even frustrating, to contemplate one's needs. Feeling this way makes selecting a crystal difficult. However, fortunately, there are other spiritual practices that can assist in finding answers. While it's fantastic if one of these practices promptly identifies your needs, if not, take it slow and begin by eliminating things that don't resonate with you. Excellent methods for this include:

  • astrology 
  • chakras
  • tarot cards 
  • pendulums 
  • visualization 


Astrology serves as a guiding tool for many, offering insights into the intricate interconnections within their lives. Consulting your horoscope can reveal areas of your life that may benefit from balancing or additional attention. For instance, if you're encountering challenges at work, you can explore which crystals are associated with the astrological sector corresponding to your work. Similarly, if your inner world feels unsettled, you can explore stones aligned with your Moon sign or fourth house. This approach provides an opportunity to experiment with new crystals that you may not have considered otherwise, enriching your spiritual journey.

Chakras and Gemstones

According to chakra philosophy, each individual possesses seven or more energy centers in the body. These influential points are thought to regulate various aspects of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. For instance, if you experience sleep disturbances like restless legs or nightmares, it may be attributed to an imbalance in the Root Chakra. In such cases, consider seeking out a gemstone associated with the First Chakra, such as Red Jasper or Hematite. Sometimes, addressing imbalances can be as straightforward as that!

Laying Tarot Cards

Tarot is widely recognized as a tool for gaining insight into choosing crystals. You can simply consult the spiritual card deck to seek guidance on what will assist with your current circumstances. The response can be quite illuminating, aiding you in pinpointing the qualities you seek in a crystal. For instance, if the tarot suggests focusing on fostering more love, consider exploring heart stones like Rose Quartz.

Commute to Choose Crystals

If you have favorite gemstones but are uncertain which one suits your current phase of life best, a Pendulum can be helpful. You can use a pendulum with stones from your existing collection, or you could use it in a shop, mineral museum, or with a friend's collection to explore new options!

Envisioning Your Perfect Gem

Imagining your perfect discovery can also be an enjoyable method for selecting crystals. You can achieve this by closing your eyes and visualizing during meditation. Alternatively, some individuals find that using a Glass "Crystal" Ball is highly effective. Meditate on your current situation and patiently observe what materializes.

Crystal Combinations 

Gem Sets serve as valuable tools for discovering which types or qualities of stones resonate well with you. With multiple crystals in these sets, you become adept at discerning the subtle differences between them. The gemstones in these sets are thoughtfully selected for their easily discernible energies. For instance, you can utilize Chakra Stones to explore which energy centers may benefit from strengthening. Similarly practical are the three classics within the Golden Triangle. Once you experience the effects of Rock Crystal, Amethyst, or Rose Quartz, you'll gain a much clearer understanding of their energies!

Interested in Spiritual Tools

In addition to purchasing gemstones and minerals, there are numerous other methods to cultivate positive energy within yourself. For instance, engaging in Mantra Meditation can be highly effective. Repeating powerful affirmations can directly influence your state of mind. Similarly, Meditation Music and the use of Gongs can have a similar effect. Aromatherapy with scented candles, wax melts, or essential oils is another wonderful option to enhance your energy and mood.

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