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15 Best Healing Crystals for Grief and Depression

by iching 15 Apr 2024 0 Comments

Crystal healing presents a remarkable journey for those seeking relief from stress and illness, aiming to achieve greater balance and inner peace. Each crystal possesses its own electromagnetic energy field imbued with distinctive healing properties unique to its type.

Engaging with crystals—whether through holding, working, or meditating with them—allows one to absorb and benefit from their healing energies. Crystals designated for grief support healing across psychological, emotional, physical, and spiritual dimensions.

Top 15 Crystals For Grief

1. Amethyst

At the top of the list for crystals beneficial in times of grief is purple amethyst. These widely recognized gemstones act as natural tranquilizers in gemology, capable of calming the mind, soothing the body, and comforting the soul. They offer profound emotional solace during periods of grief.

Furthermore, due to its association with the third eye chakra, amethyst proves valuable for balancing various negative emotions beyond grief. As a natural tranquilizer, it effectively quiets anger, reduces rage, alleviates anxiety, and promotes mental clarity, aiding in achieving better sleep at night.

2. Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz, with its serene white-clear appearance, possesses calming qualities that are especially beneficial during meditation. It aids in gaining distance and perspective, crucial aspects in navigating depression, which often marks the final stage of grief before acceptance.

Although Clear Quartz aligns with all chakras to some degree, its synergy with the crown chakra is particularly noteworthy. This alignment facilitates a deeper connection to the divine, enhancing spiritual insight and clarity.

Connecting with one's deity or the divine is perhaps the most profound way to navigate grief. This connection can offer insight into the true nature of where one's loved one resides and how everything fits into a larger, divine plan.

3. Moonstone

Moonstone, known as the stone of new beginnings, offers profound support to those experiencing loss. Its serene white color helps to calm emotional instability that often accompanies grief.

Moonstone effectively disperses the numbness that can follow the loss of a loved one. Additionally, it aids in easing feelings of shock and fear, which are natural parts of the grieving process.

Especially beneficial in the final stages of grief, Moonstone encourages the embrace of new beginnings. Once acceptance has been reached, Moonstone promotes change, transformation, and the initiation of fresh chapters, aiding individuals in moving forward.

4. Black Onyx

One of the most powerful grounding stones featured here is black onyx. It is an ideal crystal to turn to when seeking support from your inner warrior, rooted deeply within the throat chakra and root chakra.

Functioning as a protective stone, black onyx provides mental and spiritual shelter throughout the various stages of grief. It adeptly transforms negative energies into positive ones while bolstering inner strength and self-confidence simultaneously.

5. Citrine

Citrine is a stunning gemstone, typically displaying a vibrant yellow hue, sometimes with variations that lean towards orange or shades closer to brown.

Citrine stands out as an exceptional healing stone, renowned for its ability to foster inner confidence. It dispels distress, empowering individuals to feel more resilient.

Moreover, Citrine enhances stamina and boosts energy levels, which are crucial aspects of navigating through grief. Physical vitality plays a significant role in supporting emotional healing, as it provides the energy needed to cope with challenges and maintain confidence during difficult times.

6. Black Obsidian

Black Obsidian, a Root Chakra healing stone for grief, emanates a soothing and transformative energy that fosters purification and manifestation.

It serves a dual purpose of protection and truth enhancement, allowing one to uncover imbalances, manipulations, and falsehoods. This clarity enables the discovery of peace and inner contentment.

Renowned for its ability to soothe grief, Black Obsidian shields against psychic attacks and negative energies from external sources. It also diminishes emotional blockages and helps heal trauma.

7. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, known as the stone of love, also possesses remarkable abilities to comfort the heart.

Its soft pink hue radiates gentle, loving energy that aids in processing feelings of loss and sorrow.

When facing heartbreak, Rose Quartz promotes self-forgiveness and acceptance.

With its calming and reassuring presence, Rose Quartz is invaluable during times of grief.

It proves particularly beneficial during the bargaining stage of grief.

Carrying Rose Quartz serves as a visual reminder to prioritize self-care and foster self-forgiveness.

8. Aquamarine

Aquamarine provides courage and support during times of grief, offering calming energies that reduce stress and promote mental clarity.

This soothing blue crystal is particularly beneficial for sensitive individuals, providing comfort during overwhelming emotions.

Aquamarine facilitates closure on all levels and aids in overcoming the fear of the unknown.

To navigate transitions and release emotional baggage, keeping Aquamarine nearby can be highly beneficial.

During the natural phase of depression that precedes acceptance, characterized by introspection and tears, Aquamarine can aid in meditation. It helps in detaching from the situation and finding the strength to move forward.

Related Post: The Best 10 Calming Crystals For Stress And Anxiety

9. Carnelian

Carnelian, a potent healing stone for grief associated with the Sacral Chakra, addresses a range of emotional challenges. It effectively calms feelings of rage, resentment, and intimacy issues, whether in platonic or romantic relationships.

Known as the ultimate emotional balancer, Carnelian promotes sociability, warmth, and harmony. It instills courage, happiness, and enhances self-esteem and creative expression.

Carnelian is renowned for its ability to facilitate personal rebirth and transformation during periods of grief. It encourages individuals to draw inspiration from their past and find hope for the future.

This crystal reignites artistic and creative passions, allowing one to reconnect with their imaginative gifts and express them with fervor and enthusiasm.

Carnelian also aids in overcoming depression, lethargy, and lack of motivation that often accompany grief, restoring diminished qualities and talents.

10. Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz combines clear quartz with darker quartz, blending their respective energies.

Initially, it imparts essential calmness to the user, followed by effective healing and grounding.

This grounding effect aids in comprehending and addressing recent emotional wounds.

11. Aventurine

Green Aventurine, renowned for its potency in the heart chakra, serves as an excellent crystal for grief. It offers comfort and protection while emanating soothing energy. This crystal inspires perseverance as you navigate through the stages of grief.

12. Selenite

Selenite stands out as one of the most effective cleansers among the best crystals for grief.

This involves welcoming divine energies with their comforting and uplifting qualities. It's crucial to nurture this warmth within our hearts during such times.

Without it, we risk being consumed by the bitterness of loss. Our internal emotions and which ones we choose to prioritize are crucial in our journey to overcome feelings that may otherwise weigh us down.

13. Pyrite 

It's common to feel overwhelmed and anxious during periods of grief and intense emotions. Pyrite, often called fool's gold, has a remarkable ability to absorb surplus negative energies, offering a sense of balance and relief. This can be profoundly beneficial in navigating grief and supporting emotional recovery.

Pyrite is particularly noted for its resonance with the solar plexus chakra, which governs our confidence and self-esteem—qualities that often diminish in times of loss and sorrow.

14. Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline serves as a potent grounding crystal that provides significant assistance during times of grief.

Functioning as a protective stone, it shields the aura and eliminates surrounding negative energies.

It proves particularly beneficial for individuals grappling with anxiety and depression.

During the phase of anger in the grief process, Black Tourmaline effectively alleviates irritability and intrusive thoughts.

A highly recommended method for harnessing the benefits of Black Tourmaline is through meditation, fostering grounding and fostering positive mindset.

15. Jade

Jade is highly regarded as the premier crystal for grief, effectively alleviating obstructions and imbalances within the Heart Chakra. Emitting potent healing vibrations, Jade promotes self-love, tolerance, empathy, and serenity.

Renowned as the stone of tranquility, Jade, ranging from pale to emerald-green hues, facilitates fresh perspectives and clarity. It stimulates purification, clear-headedness, and inner peace.

Jade also enhances wisdom, practicality, stability, harmony, and moderation, reducing the inclination towards extremes, including the intense highs and lows of grief.

The saying, "They are the least jaded person I know," holds real-world significance. To be jaded signifies a state of weariness or disinterest resulting from excessive indulgence in joy or pleasure.

Jade restores optimism, joy, and enthusiasm in a grounded, balanced, and serene manner.

Related Post: Jade Bracelet Meaning, Benefits & Healing Properties

How to Use Crystals for Grief

1. Place these grief-healing crystals strategically in your bedroom, office, car, or living room—essentially, wherever you spend most of your time. This ensures your spirit remains uplifted and tranquil.

Also read: The Best Crystals For Your Bedroom In Feng Shui

2. Wear them as necklaces, bracelets, or rings to envelop yourself in their healing energies throughout the day.

3. Carry these healing crystals as tumbled stones in your pocket or purse to release sad thoughts and resist sinking into depression or self-pity.

4. Meditate with the grief-healing crystals that resonate most deeply with you.

Also read: Crystal Meditation:The Healing Power Of Gemstones

5. Create a crystal grid within your home to transform the energy of your space. The geometric arrangement of the crystals amplifies their vibrations and your intentions, enabling you to connect with the Universal Source of boundless love. This healing energy, knowing you are always cherished, supports your journey beyond grief and loss.

Also read: What Is A Crystal Grid & How To Make It In 6 Steps


1. Which chakras are associated with grief?

Primarily, grief is associated with the lower chakras—the Root and Sacral chakras.

2. How can I tell if crystal healing is effective?

You may experience a tingling sensation or a feeling of lightness and purification.

3. Can crystals cure grief?

Crystal therapists do not claim to cure grief. However, they can alleviate symptoms, restore balance, and reduce its impact.

4. Can I use multiple crystals together?

Yes, most crystals complement each other. Combining various grief crystals often yields optimal results.

5. Do I need to be empathic or spiritual to use crystals?

Not at all! Crystal healing is accessible to everyone, regardless of spiritual beliefs. An open mind is all that's required.

Wrapping Up

Often, grief can leave us feeling as though there's no end in sight. In addition to the support of our loved ones, crystals can serve as a valuable source of comfort, thanks to their innate healing qualities. They assist us in navigating grief with compassion and can empower us with the strength to transition towards a more optimistic perspective.

We trust that these crystals have offered you the solace and nurturing energy necessary to stay resilient during these challenging times. Please feel free to share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below.

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