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Mala Beads: A Guide to Wearing and Utilizing Them for Inner Peace

by iching 15 May 2024 0 Comments

Mala beads are an integral part of Hindu tradition, holding immense value in spiritual practices dating back approximately 3000 years. Beyond their aesthetic appeal as a necklace, these beads serve as a profound tool for healing, protection, and manifestation, particularly during yoga sessions and meditation. The use of a mala is not merely ornamental; it is a practice that can significantly enhance one's intentions and focus. But what exactly do mala beads represent, and how can they potentially transform your life?

What are Mala Beads? 

Known as Japa Mala beads, these timeless pieces of spiritual jewelry are deeply rooted in the practices of Indian religions. They serve a dual purpose: not only are they a beautiful adornment, but they also function as a meditative and developmental tool, akin to prayer beads. A traditional Mala consists of 108 individual beads, which are strung together on a cord. These beads are crafted from a variety of materials, including seeds, wood, and gemstones. At one end of the strand, there is a prominent bead known as the Guru or Meru bead, which symbolizes the unity of the smaller beads and often features a tassel at its knot.

The versatility of Mala beads allows them to be worn in multiple ways; they can be fashioned into bracelets or necklaces, adding a touch of elegance while also providing a practical use. During prayer or meditation, the beads are employed as counters to keep track of the repetitions of mantras or the cycles of focused thought. The significance of Mala beads extends beyond their function; the materials and colors from which they are made can carry distinct meanings.

Mala with Buddhism

The Mala, also referred to as the Buddhist prayer bead, is a sacred tool with deep religious roots, particularly in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is an indispensable instrument for tracking breaths and mantras during both prayer and meditation, and its design is closely intertwined with Buddhist philosophy.

A traditional Mala features a total of 108 smaller beads, each meticulously crafted and strung together, accompanied by a single, larger bead known as the Guru bead. The Guru bead symbolizes a profound connection to the divine, acting as a spiritual guide throughout one's meditation practice. In the context of Buddhism, this might represent a revered teacher or the Buddha himself. In contemporary usage, the Guru bead can also embody Mother Nature, the Universe, or any central tenet of an individual's personal belief system.

Why do Malas have 108 beads?

Understanding the precise number of beads in a Mala is of great importance. Each Mala traditionally consists of exactly 108 beads, a number that is considered sacred across Hinduism, Buddhism, and Yoga. This number symbolizes wholeness and the entirety of existence, often likened to a complete cycle or a circle of spells.

The design of Mala beads serves to concentrate the mind on the recitation of prayers or mantras. As practitioners chant, the beads facilitate a harmonious coordination between the body and the spoken word. The Mala necklace embodies the concept that each bead corresponds to the repetition of a mantra, reinforcing the practitioner's focus and intention.

The belief in the number 108 is further deepened by the idea that there are 108 stages through which a human being progresses on their life's journey. Additionally, in certain spiritual traditions, it is thought that there are 108 energy lines or 'nadis' within the body, which intersect at the heart chakra. This intersection is seen as a significant spiritual and energetic center.

Meanings and Advantages of Mala Beads

Harnessing the Energy of Mala Beads for Positive Vibrations

There's a common belief that the central bead, or the 'Guru bead', of a Mala acts as a conduit for the energy that is harnessed during the practices of meditation and prayer. This collected energy is then believed to accompany the wearer, providing a constant source of positive energy.

Before we explore the proper way to wear Mala beads and their intended use, it's important to recognize the diversity in their composition. Malas can be crafted from an array of healing gemstones or infused with various elements that hold spiritual significance. Each material has the potential to enhance the Mala's energetic properties in a distinct manner.

Mala Beads as Tools for Spiritual Enhancement

The act of repeatedly touching each bead during the use of a Mala is thought to have a calming effect on the mind. Mala prayer beads are utilized to foster the practice of mindfulness, which in turn strengthens the practitioner's physical and mental connection to their meditation or prayer. This enhanced connection can amplify the potency of the mantra being recited and fortify the clarity and strength of one's intentions.

Furthermore, Mala beads serve as a catalyst for spiritual growth. They are designed to aid in the awakening and enhancement of one's spiritual journey, making them a powerful tool for those seeking to deepen their spiritual practice.

How to Use Mala Beads

In contemporary society, Mala beads are integral to a multitude of spiritual disciplines globally. Upon acquiring a cherished Mala that you intend to use frequently, it's crucial to understand the optimal ways to employ them.

Hand Holding Technique The hand is a favored location for many to keep their Mala beads, facilitating easy manipulation of the beads with the fingers. The Mala should be allowed to hang softly, with the beads held gently between the fingers, and the string glided through as you progress from bead to bead.

There exists some ambiguity regarding the correct way to hold Mala beads. Traditionally, for religious purposes, individuals often use the thumb and middle finger, as the index finger is associated with the ego. Using the index finger might be perceived as an obstacle to achieving a state of enlightenment.

However, if you are utilizing the Mala for personal well-being or mental health rather than strictly for spiritual reasons, you might find it more agreeable to use your index finger. It's important to follow what feels most natural and conducive to achieving your desired outcomes.

Wearing as a Necklace

Another option is to wear your Mala as a necklace, allowing you to engage with the beads as they rest against your chest. This method might be more comfortable for those who prefer to have their Mala close at hand at all times. Additionally, it positions your hand and the beads in closer proximity to your heart and lungs, which can be beneficial when you are breathing out or reciting mantras.


In adherence to ancient traditions, the Mala bracelet is traditionally worn on the right wrist. As it holds the wearer's energy, it's believed to be most effective when in direct contact with the skin.

However, there's no strict rule dictating which wrist to adorn with Mala beads. The choice between left or right wrist is entirely yours. Additionally, if the Mala beads are too lengthy, you have the option to wrap them multiple times around your wrist for a comfortable fit.

How to Enhance Your Life with Mala Beads

Mala beads possess a profound connection to spiritual energy and the Divine across various levels. During spiritual endeavors, they provide a continuous source of energetic support. Here are some suggestions on how to utilize Mala beads to enhance your life:

Amplify Your Intentions

When setting intentions, wearing Mala beads can magnify your energy. Each bead serves as a conduit, aiding you in aligning with your purpose. As you chant and run your fingers over the beads, they assist in focusing your intention and manifesting it into the universe.

Try this method to achieve your goals

  • Begin by purifying your space using incense, sage, or crystal singing bowls.
  • Find a comfortable seating position, enveloped in a sense of coziness, with sunlight gently bathing you.
  • During this moment, hold the Mala beads in your hands or wear them around your wrist. Channel your focus into the beads as you chant and move your fingers across them, harnessing their energy to amplify your intentions.

Meditation with Mala Beads

Engaging with Mala Beads during meditation offers a pathway to harness their healing essence. Initially, meditation might seem daunting, with the mind drifting and focus slipping away.

The tactile experience of handling the beads facilitates grounding and concentration. Moving from bead to bead establishes a comforting repetition and cadence that aids many practitioners.

Two common methods are widely practiced. The first involves cycling through 108 breaths. Inhale as you touch a bead, exhale while gently manipulating it, then proceed to the next bead. Continue until reaching the guru bead for a serene conclusion. If desired, reverse the sequence to prolong the session.

Yet, 108 breaths or mantras can overwhelm those struggling with focus or confidence. Opting for 27 repetitions offers a more manageable mental health break. Starting with a 27-bead bracelet is a gentle introduction, with the possibility of advancing to a 108-bead Mala over time.

Another method involves reciting a mantra or affirmation with each bead, emphasizing repetition and deeper immersion in your message and purpose.

For instance, when facing a stressful day or anxiety, sitting with the Mala and silently repeating "this too shall pass" while moving through the beads can offer considerable assistance. Vocalizing the mantra is optional.

Remember, proficiency comes with practice. Instant clarity and enlightenment aren't realistic expectations from the outset. Simply sitting and breathing suffices, with any additional benefits serving as a bonus. Persistence leads to ease.

Simultaneously, your bond with the beads strengthens. Malas purportedly absorb the vibrational energy generated during your practice and emanate it back. With time, they align more closely with your thoughts and aspirations, evolving into potent instruments.

Mala Beads Meditation Mantras

Besides Sanskrit syllables that enhance grounding, there exist numerous mantras to assist you along your spiritual path. When selecting your mala beads to set intentions, consider the specific mantras you wish to incorporate.

Here are a few mantras tailored to your needs:

  • I am upheld by the Universe.
  • I am enveloped in divine protection.
  • I am shielded by my Mala bead necklace.
  • I am filled with inner strength.
  • I am guided by divine wisdom.
  • I am confidently walking the correct path.

How to Care for Your Mala Beads

Understanding how to care for your Mala is crucial, considering its significance in both personal growth and aesthetic appeal. Hence, it deserves to be treated with reverence. Storing your Mala in a box or pouch when not in use can help shield it from dust and dirt.

If you opt to wear it continuously for comfort and protection, occasional cleaning may be necessary. Exercise caution when wiping the beads, ensuring thorough removal of any dirt or grime without using harsh chemical soaps that could harm the material. When cleaning, particularly with water, be mindful if the beads are porous. Cleaning should be infrequent to preserve the oils and energy within, maintaining the Mala's potency. However, it shouldn't be so rare that the Mala becomes obscured or unhygienic.

Is it concerning if a Mala bead breaks?

Not necessarily. While it reduces the symbolic set of 108 beads, some interpret a broken bead as a sign of the Mala's efficacy. It may signify a call to break old patterns and adopt new mantras, indicating personal growth. Embrace it as a positive signal and explore new mantras accordingly.


Integrating Mala beads into your meditation practice can significantly enrich your experience. Beyond mere aesthetics, these pieces hold profound potential to elevate your spiritual journey. Take the time to select Mala beads that resonate with you, appreciating the deeper meanings they carry, and cherish this newfound aspect of your ritual.

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