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Can Pregnant Women Wear Pi Xiu?

by iching 10 May 2024 0 Comments

During pregnancy, we are always very cautious, fearing that any action might affect the fetus. However, there are some Feng Shui accessories that can dispel misfortune and ward off evil for women during pregnancy. It has been a folk custom for pregnant women to wear Feng Shui accessories to pray for a safe and smooth pregnancy and childbirth.

Pi Xiu, also known as 'Bixie' or 'Tianlu', serves a dual role in Feng Shui: it is believed to stabilize the home and ward off evil as well as attracting and enhancing wealth. As a result, many people wear Pi Xiu accessories with the hope of neutralizing harmful energies while also improving their financial fortunes.

In fact, pregnant women are perfectly capable of wearing Pi Xiu. During pregnancy, women expend a significant amount of energy and their bodies can become relatively weaker. Wearing a Pi Xiu can assist the wearer in neutralizing negative influences, warding off evil, and protecting the wearer from being disturbed by malevolent spirits. Additionally, Pi Xiu is believed to offer protection to the unborn child in the womb. Overall, wearing a Pi Xiu is thought to ensure the safety and well-being of both mother and child.

As for the so-called 'fetal evil' mentioned online, the Pi Xiu has been a protective mythical creature since ancient times, known for its strong loyalty to its master, capable of warding off evil and ensuring peace. Moreover, the Pi Xiu is inherently a symbol of neutralizing negative energies; if it can dissolve the malevolent 'Wu Huang Da Sha' (Five Yellow Killing Energy), then the concept of 'fetal evil' is trivial in comparison. The notion of fetal evil is essentially a fabrication, and it should not be taken seriously."

Pregnant women who wear Pi Xiu on their person are believed to be blessed with a healthy placenta, neutralization of 'fetal evils', and the assurance of a healthy development of the baby within the mother's womb. It also aids in ensuring a smooth childbirth for the mother. Therefore, it is considered that pregnant women can wear Pi Xiu with great benefits. Moreover, the practice of a pregnant woman wearing a Pi Xiu serves not only as a form of prayer but also carries a psychological suggestive effect. From this perspective, it is also beneficial for women to wear Pi Xiu during their pregnancy.

Taboos When Wearing Pi Xiu

    1. For Pi Xiu pendants, many people like to add some decorations above the head of the Pi Xiu. These decorations can block the eyes of the Pi Yao, which are precisely the parts used to seek wealth.

    2. Pi Xiu is inclusive of all things and can be worn with any jewelry or jade ornaments. However, care should be taken to avoid touching them, especially jade-made Pi Xiu, as they are susceptible to damage. Once damaged, the spiritual energy is greatly reduced, affecting the financial fortune, and they must be replaced promptly.

    3. Once a Pi Xiu is worn for the first time, it should not be left unused for a long time. Pi Xiu is aware of human nature, and if neglected for too long, it may feel that the owner does not treat it well, leading to a growing estrangement and a lax attitude towards attracting wealth. If not worn, it should be wrapped in red cloth and placed under the bed or at the bottom of the wardrobe.

    4. Pi Xiu should avoid strong light. The reflective energy from mirrors is detrimental to Pi Xiu, so it is crucial not to position the head of the Pi Xiu towards mirrors. Also, Pi Xiu should not be faced towards televisions or computers, as the light emitted from screens is also taboo to Pi Xiu. Those who work with computers for extended periods should ensure that Pi Xiu is not directly facing the computer during work.

    5. When wearing Pi Xiu, it is taboo to eat chili peppers, as they are believed to cause the leakage of financial energy.

    6. "When wearing Pi Xiu on the hand, it must be worn on the left hand, as the spiritual energy is believed to enter through the left hand and exit through the right.

    7. When Pi Xiu is worn as a pendant, the hanging rope should be attached to the tail of the Pi Xiu, with the head facing downwards.

    8. The ideal time to wear a Pi Xiu for the first time is between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM, which is considered the hour when the dragon raises its head. Before wearing it, it is advisable to consult a professional. The most auspicious choice would be to select the date and time based on one's Bazi (Eight Characters of Birth Time) or Chinese zodiac sign.

  1. If a Pi Xiu is significantly damaged or needs to be replaced, the old Pi Xiu should be wrapped in red cloth and placed in the incense and candle recycling area of a nearby temple, along with a sincere and respectful farewell.

Precautions for Wearing Pi Xiu

It is said that Pi Xiu is a fierce auspicious beast, which was traditionally divided into male and female, with the male named "Pi" and the female named "Xiao." However, the distinction between male and female is not commonly made in current times. In ancient times, this auspicious creature was categorized into one-horned and two-horned types, with the one-horned being called "Tian Lu" and the two-horned referred to as "Bi Xie."

Later, the distinction between one-horned or two-horned was no longer made, and the one-horned design became predominant. In the south, people generally refer to this auspicious beast as "Pi Yao," while in the north, it is still called "Bi Xie." As for "Tian Lu," it is less commonly used to refer to this auspicious beast, and some people also call it a "monster" or a "Si Bu Xiang" 

Wearing a Pi Xiu is not gender-specific; it is a common misconception that women are not suitable to wear a Pi Xiu, which is very incorrect. Anyone, regardless of gender, can wear a Pi Xiu!

There is a saying among the people that 'touching a Pi Xiu once brings prosperity, touching it twice brings wealth, and touching it thrice brings success and advancement.' Therefore, it is considered a taboo for others to touch one's Pi Xiu.

Regular touching of the Pi Xiu is believed to enhance its effects for attracting wealth and warding off evil. Before wearing and while wearing the Pi Xiu, one should frequently touch it to let the Pi Xiu know that you are its master.

In the event that you cannot wear the Pi Xiu due to unforeseen circumstances, it should be placed where it can see the entrance (simply position the Pi Xiu facing the door). This allows Pi Xiu to help us attract wealth!

The head of the Pi Xiu should never face towards you; it should be positioned with the head down and the tail up. The mouth, which is used to fiercely draw in objects, should never be directed at oneself. A 'blessed' or 'empowered' Pi Xiu is thought to possess spiritual energy and is very protective of its owner. It is also said to like bringing wealth back to please its master, which is why the Pi Xiu is known for attracting money. Therefore, when wearing a bracelet with a Pi Xiu, if you wear it on your right hand, the head of the Pi Xiu should face to the right, as the right side is considered the 'outside'; if worn on the left hand, the head of the Pi Xiu should face to the left, as the left side is considered the 'outside'. 

Pi Xiu Empowerment Method

  1. Choose an auspicious day to clean the Pi Xiu thoroughly.
  2. Take half a bucket of well water and half a bucket of rainwater.
  3. Pour the water into a container that has been prepared and cleaned in advance.
  4. Place the cleaned Pi Xiu into the container and let it soak for three days.
  5. After taking it out, wipe it clean with a clean towel.
  6. Take some tea oil and apply it to the eyes of the Pi Xiu; this is called 'opening the light' or 'empowerment'.
  7. "Pi Xiu understands human nature. When being empowered, only you should be present. After the empowerment, the first person Pi Xiu sees will be you, and it will always protect you.

Precautions for Empowering Pi Xiu

Place the newly acquired Pi Xiu in a location on the balcony where it can be easily exposed to sunlight during the day and moonlight at night. After being on display for 16 days,Pi Xiu will naturally be empowered. Pi Xiu empowered in this manner, by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, possesses strong powers for repelling malevolent forces and attracting wealth!

Legends and Stories about Pi Xiu

Zhou Wuwang (King Wu of Zhou)

Pi Xiu is a ferocious beast from the Western Regions that lived over three million years ago in the areas of Tibet and Kangding, Sichuan. It had extremely strong fighting abilities. When Jiang Ziya assisted King Wu in his campaign against King Zhou, they encountered a Pi Xiu during a march. At that time, no one recognized the creature, but Jiang Ziya, impressed by its formidable appearance, managed to tame it and used it as his mount. With Pi Xiu, he was victorious in every battle he fought.

King Wu of Zhou, seeing the valiant and magical nature of the Pi Xiu, conferred upon it an official title, known as "Yun" (Cloud). At that time, Jiang Ziya noticed that the Pi Xiu had an astonishing appetite but rarely defecated or urinated. Its only excretory system was to secrete a small amount of incredibly fragrant sweat through its fur, which attracted animals from all directions. These animals, drawn by the unique scent, would rush to eat it but were instead consumed by the Pi Xiu.

Zhu Yuanzhang (The Founder of Ming Dynasty)

After Zhu Yuanzhang established his capital in Nanjing, a pair of Pi Xiu were unearthed from the ground. As Pi Xiu was the ninth son of the Dragon King, he ordered the construction of a temple dedicated to the pair, next to Linggu Temple. After establishing his capital in Nanjing, Zhu Yuanzhang undertook the construction of Zhongshan Gate, but the state treasury was depleted. The Prime Minister, Liu Bowen (who was also a Feng Shui master), suggested using the Pi Xiu to attract wealth. Heeding the advice, Zhu Yuanzhang placed a pair of the largest Pi Xiu in the world at the national gate. As a result, gentry from both sides of the river contributed funds, leading to a grand construction effort. This scene deeply moved Zhu Yuanzhang, who exclaimed, "With such loyal subjects, the Ming Dynasty will surely last for ten thousand generations."

Qianlong Emperor

The Pi Xiu, also known as Bi Xie, is a spiritually potent divine beast from ancient Chinese legends. The "Xiao Er Ya · Guang Yan" states: "Bi means to dispel. As the name suggests, people hope to use its magical powers to drive away evil and misfortune." The "Ji Jiu Pian" says: "Shooting at Bi Xie to eliminate the multitude of villains." Tang Yan Shigu noted: "Shooting, Bi Xie, are all names of divine beasts... Bi Xie, speaks to the ability to ward off evil spirits."

The earliest artistic representations of Pi Xiu that we can find date back to the Han Dynasty, often depicted as winged quadrupeds, with designs possibly derived from the Western Regions. By the Wei, Jin, and Northern and Southern Dynasties, the image of Pi Xiu became more generalized and abstract, with a stronger decorative interest. From the existing stone carvings and jade carvings of Pi Xiu, one can see that its form is very rich in curvilinear beauty, with a coherent charm, holding its head high, mouth open, and tongue out, exuding a majestic aura.

The image of Pi Xiu became less common after the Tang Dynasty, until the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty. Due to Emperor Qianlong's fondness for ancient artifacts, especially his extraordinary infatuation and love for ancient jade, we can see several ancient jade Pi Xiu in the imperial court's collection with the imperial year marks and poems personally inscribed by Emperor Qianlong, which sufficiently demonstrates his emphasis and affection.

The National Palace Museum in Taipei houses a Han Dynasty jade Pi Xiu, with a smooth and lustrous patina, deeply soaked and polished. An imperial poem is engraved on the chest of the Pi Xiu. It is accompanied by a two-tiered rosewood stand, with the upper layer engraved with the words "Emperor Qianlong's Plaything," and the lower layer engraved with the same imperial poem as on the chest of the Pi Xiu, indicating that it was once a beloved collection of Emperor Qianlong.

Another Han Dynasty jade Pi Xiu is housed in the Palace Museum, with the poem "Imperial Inscription of the Yi Si Year" inscribed on it. While appreciating and praising ancient artifacts, Emperor Qianlong also commanded craftsmen to create new "archaic-style" objects based on the images of the divine beast Pi Xiu from the Han, Wei, and Northern and Southern Dynasties.

Taking Care of Pi Xiu

Please remove your treasured Pi Xiu when you sleep. If you sleep with it on, you might accidentally crush it or its hardness could cause discomfort, leading to pain for you. Also, remove it when you bathe for several reasons: firstly, to prevent the cord from getting wet and moldy, which would affect its lifespan; secondly, to avoid the Pi Xiu swinging around and hitting the wall during your bath, which could damage it; and thirdly, jade and similar materials should not be exposed to high temperatures (above 50 degrees Celsius), as they can be easily damaged.

Before wearing a Pi Xiu made of crystal, it is necessary to purify it. After the 'dotting of the eyes' ceremony, you can set aside some time to place the Pi Xiu in a bowl, fill it with water, add some salt, and then place it under a tap. Turn the tap on to the lowest setting, allowing the water to drip into the bowl. After about 60 minutes, the crystal should be cleansed and demagnetized. For a Pi Xiu made of jade, purification is generally not required, but it is suggested to soak it in clean water (without salt) for 15-30 minutes. This is mainly because during the processing and market circulation, the Pi Xiu would have been handled by dozens or even hundreds of people, inevitably getting contaminated with sweat and grease. It's like giving your Pi Xiu a refreshing rinse.

Natural material Pi Xiu, such as jade, crystal, obsidian, etc., often contain moisture inside. It is because of this moisture that the Pi Xiu has a moist and lustrous appearance. Therefore, it is important to maintain it properly. To prevent the evaporation of moisture, during hot weather, you can wipe it with a cloth or rinse it with clean water to replenish the moisture.

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