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Cleansing Feng Shui Items: Revitalizing Your Charm's Energy

by iching 12 Jun 2024 0 Comments

Feng shui centers on cultivating good chi, and charms like a feng shui bracelet are used to attract positive energy into your life.

However, these feng shui cures and enhancers can accumulate negative energy over time, diminishing their effectiveness and potentially making you feel weighed down.

Fortunately, cleansing your feng shui items to remove any negative energy is a simple process.

In this guide, we will explore some of the most effective methods for cleansing your bracelets and provide general tips to keep them energetically vibrant.

How to Cleanse Feng Shui Items with Sage

One of the most popular methods for cleansing feng shui items is burning sage.

Sage is a sacred herb that has been used for centuries for its powerful cleansing and purifying properties for people, spaces, and objects.

To cleanse with sage, you will need the following:

  • A bundle of white sage
  • A heat-proof bowl or dish
  • A lighter or matches

Begin by lighting the sage and allowing it to burn for a few seconds. Once it’s lit, gently waft the smoke around your bracelet while reciting a prayer, mantra, or affirmation.

Visualize the smoke cleansing the bracelet of any negative energy.

After you’ve finished, let the sage smolder out in the heat-proof bowl or dish.

Make sure to open doors and windows before, during, and after the cleansing to let the negative energy escape from your home.

How to Cleanse Feng Shui Items with a Tibetan Singing Bowl

Another effective method for cleansing your feng shui items is using a Tibetan singing bowl.

A Tibetan singing bowl, crafted from seven different metals, produces a deep and relaxing sound when struck with a mallet.

The resonant sound of the Tibetan singing bowl can effectively clear away negative energy and promote positive vibrations.

To cleanse your feng shui items with a Tibetan singing bowl, you will need:

  • A Tibetan singing bowl
  • A mallet

Begin by striking the Tibetan singing bowl with the accompanying mallet to produce a resonant tone. Next, position your bracelet near the bowl, permitting the sound waves to envelop it.

As you perform this ritual, envision the bracelet relinquishing any negative energy it may have absorbed.

Once you have completed the process, let the Tibetan singing bowl's echo persist, gradually diminishing until it subsides on its own.

Also read:

How To Use A Tibetan Singing Bowl For Meditation

Tips for Cleansing Feng Shui Items

When it comes to cleansing your feng shui items, there are a few general tips to keep in mind for optimal results:

1. Regular Cleansing: It’s crucial to cleanse your bracelets regularly. This is a fundamental rule for maintaining the effectiveness of your feng shui items.

Ideally, aim to cleanse them once a month. However, if you feel they need it more frequently, don't hesitate to do so.

2. Peaceful Environment: Perform the cleansing in a peaceful and relaxing environment.

This helps ensure that negative energy is thoroughly released and does not linger or return.

3. Recharging Your Bracelets: After cleansing, it’s essential to recharge your bracelets.

This step is as important as knowing how to wear a feng shui bracelet correctly.

You can recharge them by placing them in sunlight, moonlight, or even burying them underground for a few hours.

Wrapping Up

By following these tips, you can effortlessly cleanse your feng shui items and eliminate any accumulated negative energy. This will help keep your bracelets looking and feeling their best, ensuring they function effectively.


Experiment with different cleansing methods to find the one that suits you best. And remember, recharging your bracelets after cleansing is essential for maintaining their positive energy!

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Feng Shui Bracelet Meaning, Rules & Benefits

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